Crufts 2019, 2018, 2011, 2009, 2008
Year 2019
This year we drove from Norway to England. It was me and Liss Bodil that decided we would drive this year.
Our journey started early in the morning Thursday 8th March and with us we had Buddy the Bulldog, Nemi and Lillegutt the Affenpinschers.
The journey was 2300 km. We drove down in Sweden to Helsingborg and took the ferry over to Helsingör in Denmark, that took about 20 minutes, just enough time to run to the toilette and shop a bit on the taxfree. Then to Kolding and down in Germany on the Autobahnen. We drove on shift through Germany on the night and did not stop before we came to Netherland where we stopped, walked the dogs and ate breakfast before we drove on.
Driving through Belgium and France was almost over before we understood witch country we where in.
When we arrived Calais we had to go to veterinarian check before we where allowed in the area to the Eurotunnel. Then is was us on two legs that had to show our passport`s and the police also went through the car and checked it for drugs, we off course passed all. We drove the cars in to the train and sat there for 30 minutes while the train drove water. And when it stopped we drove out in England and had to drive on the wrong side of the road.
Late Friday evening we arrived Heswall and Viki Shennan where we lived while we where in England.
Saturday I spent with Viki at home where we walked the dogs, shopped a bit and groomed the dogs that was going to Crufts the day after. Liss Bodil borrowed my car and drove Lee-Ann to Crufts so she could see it all and spend the day shopping and have time to see everything she wanted to see.
On Sunday we drove from Heswall 05.00 for Crufts where the Bulldog had time in the ring to 08.30 and the Affenpinscher had 09.00. There was 94 Affenpinschere entered and all of Viki`s got placed.
We had a super day, catching up with friends, looking at all the Affenpinschere, meet new people, off course shopped a bit more and in the end of the day we celebrated Neimi`s, Imrun`s Norwegian Winter Rose for Ashiblack, Norwegian and Swedish Champion titles.
I and Liss Bodil started our journey home after Crufts. We drove all the way in to Germany before we stopped, here we ate breakfast, walked the dogs and was stopped by the German police. They came over and asked for our green card and no one of us had heard of that, the very kind and polite German police men explained that to drive in Europe we needed this but they let us drive on and just told us to have it for our next trip to the UK and Crufts. I ensure you we will have all papers correctly and in order for our next trip.
This has been a really fun and exhausting trip and I will do it again in a heart beat.
Waiting for the ferry from Denmark to Sweden on our way home

Storebæltsbroen this is a bridge/road 18 km long on the E20 and connects the islands of Fyn and Sjælland in Denmark

We are approved to travel in to the UK

Photos from Crufts
Year 2018
I spent a really lovely time in England from Thursday 8th - 12th March.
I left home in the middle of the night and my plane left for England at 06.15. I landed in England 10.20. met Ann Jorunn and we was picked up of my good friend Viki Shennan, Kennel Ashiblack.
I and Ann Jorunn lived in Viki`s home in Heswall while we stayd in England. On Thursday we just spent the day to talk, cuddle the dogs and Viki`s mum took us to the local pub for dinner.
Friday I and Viki took the dogs for an early morning walk at the beach, I loved it, so wonderful place to walk the dogs and we all the time meet other people with their dogs and the dogs plaid a bit together before we walked on.
Saturday we drove off to Birmingham and Crufts. I had a wonderful time there, met up with some of my old friends, got several new ones and got to see my 3 puppies in the ring.
First in the ring of mine was Pikey, Imrun`s Pikes Peak, in dog puppy class. Pikey did well and showed him self nicely with his owner Julie McEvoy. Pikey was placed VHC.
Next on in was Scribble, Veggfjellets Black Pearl at Wizabeanie, in bitch puppy class. Scribble also did very well, showed nicely with her owner Cheryl Mitchard.
Last one in of mine was Nemi, Imrun`s Norwegian Winter Rose for Ashiblack, in bitch junior class. Nemi won her class and got the RCC. She showed her socks off with her owner Viki Shennan.
We went back on Sunday for some shopping.
I landed in Norway 17.10. on Monday.
I have had such a lovely time and want to thank you all for that and a special thanks to Viki and her mum for taking us in and treated us like royalty.
Friday from our walk at the beach.
From Saturday at Crufts
To sit ringside and see 89 entered affenpinschere is wonderful. For the results go here.
3 puppies from us living in England was entered and all of them did very well.
I want to say thank you to all for such a lovely time and a special thanks to Viki and her mum Hazel for taking us in. We really felt home and I think I never had better food somewhere else, we have asked for the recipes for every dish.
Year 2011
This journey I have planned for some time now since I this time was going over to take home little Alpie, Neibade`s April Alp. It is two years since I took him to England and now he come back again to Norway to live here with us in Kennel Imrun.
Friday 11th March I drove to my friends Linn and Jacinto, Kennel El Nuciero, and spent the night there.
Saturday 12th March I took the plane from Rygge airprot to Stansted, I landed 08.00 and when I came out Jessica Grüninger, Kennel Darkle, was there to pick me up. We drove to a cafe and had a proper English breakfast.
Again I had the pleasure to come with Jessica and her dogs on one of their walks and what a lovely area to walk in, lucky dogs. We just had a wonderful relaxing day together with the dogs and took an early night since we had to get up in the middle of the night to get ready and drive to Crufts.
Sunday 13th March and Crufts day. This is heaven for us dog-people and for me personal, I don`t even have words to describe it to see all this affenpinschers (here we usually have between 5-10 affens in a show, more at the big shows but not like here), talk to all the people, admire all the nice dogs and just have a good time. I spent the day with old friends, my breeders and got some new ones too.
Jessica had entered four of her boys for today`s show; In Special Puppy - Dog it was Darkle Daring And Brave - Wilberforce, in Post Graduate - Dog it was Darkle Dominion - Mordecai, in Open - Dog it was Neibade`s April Alp - Alpie and in Veteran - Dog it was CH Downsbank Tattiebogle With Marchog - Hamish and the result speak for it self; 3 first prizes, 1 third prize, CC and BOB - Congratulation and well done Jessica.
16.00 I took Alpie and walked to the shuttle-train that took us in to Birmingham airport were we checked in with City Airline. City Airline is a Swedish company and get 6 stars from me, they allow pet in cabin from England and they also had the best service I have had for a very long time.
The plane took of at 19.00 and we landed in Gothenburg at 22.00 (two hours it took, we set the clock one hour forward). From there we took a taxi to Apple hotel and spent the night there before we took the train back to Norway.
A busy trip it was with lot of impressions but what a fantastic time I had and thank you so much Jessica for your hospitality and everything.
From our walk on Saturday
Sit back and just enjoy the wonderful walk, it is so nice for the dogs here and they run, sniffing around and play the whole time. I am sure if they could have talked they would have shouted jipppe we love it
Year 2009
I and Kari has been in England at Cruft and visited friends.
This journey we have planned for a long time since I was going over with little Alpie, Neibade`s April Alp, to Jessica and was going to take my little Rosie, Capricho Ille Anclentanne, back home with me again.
From the beginning we planned to drive but changed our minds after the planning was going ahead. At the end we decided to go by plane, train and boat and was very excited about this.
We started the journey early in the morning Wednesday 3 March, I and Alpie was droven to the airort by my mum at 04.45 and arrived at the airport 06.15. We booked in and the plane took of at 07.45 for Schiphol in Amsterdam. I and Alpie arrived at Schiphol 09.30 and there Kari and Boris was already waiting for us.
After some reorganizing in our suitcases and exchange of the dogs cages we took the train to Rotterdam Central and from there to Hook of Holland were the ferry we was going with was, the time was now 12.10 and the ferry was leaving at 14.30. We walked the dogs and then booked in.
I must brag about our journey in Holland, we meet so many nice people and all of them was so helpful, no matter when, what or whom we asked we only meet people who was ready to help.
The trains and the schedule are not something we Norwegian are used to, they were always on time and it was not long between them.
On board in the ferry we meet the staff and they were Dutch and again I have to say that I am so impressed over such service.
Alpie and Boris was booked in to the boats kennel and that was a warm room with big cages in outside on deck 8. We got a code to the door and could go and see to them as often as we wanted to. And of what we could see they spent a good time in there, resting and talking to two other dogs who also was going to Cruft, they came from Sweden.
The journey over was calm and pleasant so we relaxed and had dinner. At 19.45 we arrived Harwich were Jessica was waiting for us.
It took about two hours with car from Harwich til Hertfordshire and Potters Bar were Jessica lives and it was really good to finally come there even if the journey went so well it was many hours with travelling and many new impressions.
THURSDAY A day that went to recover after the journey. We took the dogs for a walk and then we groomed the ones who was going to Cruft the day after.
Alpie thought it was fun and exciting to meet the new affenpinschers and he did go well with all Jessica`s dogs.
In the afternoon we went to the vet so Boris and Rosie could get their tablet and health check so they were ready to travel to Norway on Sunday.
FRIDAY The day started early and 05.30 we sat in the car on our way to Birmingham and Cruft.
What a fantastic day for a dog and show lover, to get the pleasure to see so many affenpinschere at one place .
We were there around 07.00 and had good time before the judging started, 09.00.
Inside I meet several people I knew, Pippin`s breeder Janet, Kennel Jarube was already there and many others.
I sat ringside and saw everything that happened inside the ring and together with me sat Gina, Kennel Capricho, that is our little Rosie`s breeder. All the others also came when they did not show their dogs.
The highlight for the day must have been when my Rosie got second in her class - special puppy and she also qualified for Cruft 2010. Both I and Gina was very pleased with our little girl.
Some shopping we also had to squeeze in and a bit of this and a bit of that found it`s place in the handbag. It is so many stands there so you have no chance to reach them all.
Kari and I was also interviewed by the local radio, something we thought was fun and a bit scary.
After a long day with lots of affenpinscher talk in nice company we went home to Potters Bar again and there we were around 18.30.
SATURDAY We enjoyed the breakfast and sat for a while and relaxed with a cop of tea and just took it all in what we had experienced at Cruft the day before.
And then we drove out and looked around in Potters Bar and after that we went to Marks & Spencer were we shopped some more, something that was absolutely necessary of course :)
After lunch Janet, Pippin`s breeder - Kennel Jarube, came and took us home to her place and there we spent some lovely hours. I got to see several of Pippins relatives and that was so fun for me and of course more dog talking, something we never get tired of.
Afterwards Janet took us to a pub, Crooked Chimney it was called, were Janet bought us all dinner. I now did get a dream who became true, I have always wanted to go to an English pub and eat, have seen to much on the TV about the English pubs. But the Crooked Chimney did not let me down, it was all what I have expected an English pub to be. We ate breaded mushrooms for starters and that was very good - crisp flat mushrooms with smoked garlic dip. For dinner both I and Kari had beef, mushrooms and Guinness pie, absolutely a pleasure and for desserts we had Eves pudding.