Backamo 25th August
Julie and I went to the National show in Sweden in Backamo, with we had Andersen and Kira.
Imrun` s Andersen got CQ. 1BM, CC, BOB-junior and BOB
Kira (Oceanwild Anne-Bonny) got Excellent and BOB-veteran
Judge was Carina Andersson Rapp, Sweden
Top photo right: BOB Imrun` s Andersson and BOS Anzolas Aska
Second photo right and the left photo: Andersen with all his rosettes
NKKs shows in Fauske
Ann Jorunn and I took 8 og our dogs with us and drove up to Fauske so we could go to NKKs shows there, one Nordic and one International the weekend 3-4 August.
Day 1. Nordic show with judge Mette Tufte, Norway.
Imrun` s Andersen in junior class got CQ, 1BM, Jun.CC J-Nordic CC Nordic CC and became BOB - with this Andersen became Norwegian Junior Champion
Velvet Dandy` s Zephir in champion class got CQ, 2BM, Res.Nordic CC
We had with us Schnaffentangens The One And Only for Grete and Frank and showed him in veteran class. He got Exc.1 and became BOB-veteran
Imrun` s Ellinor in junior class got CQ, 2BB, CC, Jun.CC, J-Nordic CC, Res.Nordic CC
Sajatin Malaga in champion class got CQ, 1BB, Nordic CC and became BOS
Imrun` s Surprise Cookie i champion class got Exc.2
Day 2. International show with judge Marianne Holmli, Norway.
Imrun` s Andersen CQ, 1BM, Jun.CC, Jun.CACIB, and became BOB
Imrun` s Hot Topic Junior B in champion class got CQ, 2BM, CACIB
Schnaffentangens The One And Only got CQ, 3BM, CC, Vet.CC, Vet,CACIB and became BOB-veteran - Knerten became with this Norwegian Champion
Imrun` s Ellinor CQ, 2BB, Jun.CC, Jun.CACIB
Imrun` s Plus Minus Zeta in champion class got CQ, 1BB, CACIB and became BOS - Saga became with this C.I.B Champion Internationale Beauty
We had also entered in breeders class and got a lovely critique, HP and BOB breeder.
Show on Karmoy 27-28 July
Ann Jorunn had entered our Imrun` s Ellinor in junior class at the show on Karmoy.
Saturday with judge Nina Karlsdotter from Sweden.
Imrun` s Ellinor got Exc1, CQ, CC, 1BB, BOB-junior and BOB
Sunday with judge Suncica Lazic from Serbia.
Imrun` s Ellinor got Exc1, CQ, 1BB, BOB-junior, BOB and 2BIS-junior
Photo on the top to the left: Ann Jorunn, Ellinor and judge Suncica Lazic
Photo on the top to the right: Ann Jorunn, Ellinor and judge Nina Karlsdotter
Same weekend in Moss Imrun` s Tea was entered in junior class.
Saturday with judge Helin Tenson from Estonia
Imrun` s Tea got Exc1, CQ, CC, 1BB, BOB-junior and BOB
Sunday with judge Csaba Denk from Hungary
Imrun` s Tea got Exc1, CQ, 1BB, BOB-junior and BOS
Photo on the bottom to the left: Owner Unni Snowdon with BOB BOB-junior Imrun` s Tea and BOS BOB-veteran Affentassens Fenris
3 Norwegian Kennel Club Show in Sandefjord 5-7 June
Friday 5th June judge Caroline Hals
Imrun` s Andersen in junior class Exc.1, CQ, 2BM
Imrun` s Hot Topic Junior B in champion class Exc.2
Gustoff` s Tussilago in open class Exc.1, CQ, 2BB, Res,CC, CACIB
Sajatin Malaga in champion class Exc.1, CQ, 3BB, Res.CACIB
Imrun` s Plus Minus Zeta in champion class Exc.2
Saturday 6th June judge Ann-Christin Johansson - Norwegian Winner
Imrun` s Andersen Exc.1, CQ, 1BM, Jun.CC, Nordic CC, BOB - Norwegian Junior Winner and Norwegian Winner
Velvet Dandy` s Zephir in champion class Exc.1, CQ, 3BM
Imrun` s Ellinor in Junior class Exc.2
Gustoff` s Tussilago Exc.1, CQ, CC, 1BB, Nordic CC, BOS - New Norwegian Champion and Norwegian Winner
Sajatin Malaga Exc.1, CQ, 3BB
Imrun` s Plus Minus Zeta Exc.2, CQ, 4BB
Erlkings May Day in champion class Exc.3
Sunday 7th June judge Saija Juutilainen - Oslo Winner Show
Imrun` s Andersen Exc.1, CQ, Junior CC, CACIB-J, 2BM - Oslo Winner Junior
Imrun` s Hot Topic Junior B Exc.2
Imrun` s Ellinor Exc.1 - Oslo Winner Junior
Gustoff` s Tussilago Exc.1, CQ, 1BB, CACIB, BOS - Oslo Winner
Imrun` s Plus Minus Zeta Exc.1, CQ, 2BB, Res.CACIB
Sajatin Malaga Exc.2
Summer Show and the Specialty Show 15 June 2024
A fantastic day for us and our dogs. Ann Jorunn, Julie and I had entered 8 of our dogs.
SUMMER SHOW with judge Elin Normannseth.
In junior class we had Andersen and Ellinor.
Imrun` s Andersen Exc.1, CQ, 1BM, CC, BOB-junior, BIS-junior, BOS
Imrun` s Ellinor Exc.2
In open class we had Tussilago.
Gustoff` s Tussilago Exc.1, CQ, 2BB
In champion class we had entered 5.
Velvet Dandy` s Zephir Exc.1, CQ, 3BM
Imrun` s Hot Topic Junior B Exc.2, CQ, 4BM
Sajatin Malaga Exc.1, CQ, 1BB, BOB, BIS
Imrun` s Plus Minus Zeta Exc.2, CK, 4BB
Imrun` s Surprise Cookie Exc.4
Erlkings May Day Exc.
SPECIALTY with judge Frode Jevne.
Imrun` s Andersen Exc.1. CQ, 1BM, CC, BIS-Junior, Best Movements and BIS
Imrun` s Hot Topic Junior B Exc.1, CQ, 3BM
Velvet Dandy` s Zephir Exc.2, CQ
Imrun` s Ellinor Exc.2, CQ
Sajatin Malaga Exc.1, CQ, 3BB
Imrun` s Plus Minus Zeta Exc.2, CQ, 4BB
Erlkings May Day Exc.4
Imrun` s Surprise Cookie Exc.
Ellinor Gustafson` s memory price, Best Norwegian Breed and owned Male and Bitch went to the siblings Imrun` s Andersen and Imrun` s Tea.
We also entered progely and in breeders class on both shows and got HP BOB and BIS on both shows.
In Progeny on the first show we entered Gustoff` s Tussilago with Andersen, Ellinor, Gustav and Tea and in the Specialty it was dad Velvet Dandy` s Zephir and the kids.
In breders class we entered with Junior, Andersen, Tea and Saga.
On Sunday Ann Jorunn took Saga, Andersen and Ellinor for a show in Braarud.
Andersen and Ellinor entered in junior class and Saga in champion class. Judge Martin Baskaran.
Imrun` s Andersen Exc.1 CQ 1BM BOB-junior BOS
Imrun` s Ellinor Exc.1 CQ 2BB BOS-junior
Imrun` s Plus Minus Zeta Exc.1 CQ 1BB BOB
Imrun` s Gustoph shown by his owner Lill Exc.2 CQ 2BM
Imrun` s Andersen BOS in the arms of Lill
judge Martin Baskaren and
Imrun` s Plus Minrus Zeta BOB in the arms of Ann Jorunn
Norwegian Kennel Club Trondheim 8-9 June
Julie went with the girls to NKKs in Trondheim, International and Nordic. Kira, Oceanwild Anne-Bonny and our Klara, Erlkings May Day was the girls.
DAY 1. International
Erlkings May Day Exc.1 CQ 1BB CACIB BOB - Cruft qualified
Oceanwild Anne-Bonny Exc.1 BOB-veteran
First photo, Klara on the left and Kira on the right
DAY 2. Nordic
Erlkings May Day Exc.1 CQ 1BB Nordic CC BOB
Oceanwild Anne-Bonny Exc.1 CQ 3BB Nordic Veteran CC Veteran CC
Second photo, Kira on the left and Klara on the right
8th April
The weekend 30th-31th March Lill took her Imrun` s Gustoph, Gustav to show in Vikersund.
Ony 9 months old he both days did fabulous
Gustav got Exc. CQ CC 1BM BOB-junior and he also became BOB
Gustav got Exc. CQ CC 1BM BOB-junior and he also became BOB
Photo number 1. From left: Julie handler for BOB Imrun` s Gustoph and Lill with her girl BOS Zendream` s Geline
Photo number 2: Lill and Imrun` s Gustoph in front of the judge.
Congratulations to Lill, owner of both BOB and BOS
5th February
There has been two shows for us so far this year.
First show in Drammen 27th January 3 of our dogs was entered.
Imrun` s Ellinor in puppy class got 1, HP and became BOB puppy
Imrun` s Pippi Viktualia Langstrømpe in open class got Exc, CQ, 2BB and with this she became a Norwegian Champion.
Erlkings May Day in champion class got Exc, CQ, 1BB and became BOB
Second show in Olen 4th February where Ann Jorunn showed Ellinor.
Imrun` s Ellinor got 1, HP and became BOB puppy
First photo: Erlkings May Day with her BOB rosette
Second photo: Ann Jorunn with Imrun` s Pippi Viktualia Langstrømpe showing her champion rosette
3rd January
We had a fantastic show year 2023 and are now looking forward to 2024.
We have puppy plans this year and update will come later or you can contact us